Appeal Dismissed Colchester Road Bures – 27/3/2019
The Colchester Road Development in Bures proposed by Gladmans, and refused by Braintree DC, went to appeal on 12th February. Charles Aldous spoke against the appeal on behalf of the CSCA. The inspector Robert Mellor looked at Landscape Character and Appearance, Heritage Assets, Affordable Housing and necessary infrastructure, Biodiversity, and Housing Land supply.
The appeal was DISMISSED.
Conclusion: “The main identified harm is the harm to landscape character and to the visual amenity of the area including the loss of the site’s openness, the breach of the skyline by a large-scale development, and the loss or containment of open cross-valley views. This includes the associated conflict with relevant development plan policies in that regard including CS Policy CS8 which are important to the determination of the appeal and which are not materially inconsistent with national policy or out of date. Neither, having regard to Framework paragraph 127, would the development be sympathetic to its landscape setting.”
For the full report click on the link below: