200 dwellings West of Sudbury Rd, Halstead – Planning Permission REFUSED
23rd October 2019
Outline planning permission for up to 200 residential dwellings West of Sudbury Road – REFUSED.
(The following text is taken from the Council report.)
The scale and character of the development fails to recognise the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside, or that the site is considered to have the attributes of a valued landscape.
The location, scale and density of the proposed development fails to respond to the existing pattern or character of development and would not result in a well-integrated extension to the town.
The site would relate poorly to the existing town, particularly in respect of pedestrian and cycle links from the site which will reduce the likelihood that future residents would use more sustainable forms of transport.
The location, scale and character of the development would result in less than substantial harm on designated heritage assets and non-designated heritage assets and the public benefits do not outweigh the harm.
It has not been demonstrated that the site can accommodate up to 200 dwellings in a manner that will promote or reinforce local distinctiveness and which reflects the constraints, sensitivity and location of the site, whilst also ensuring a good standard of amenity and a high quality living environment for all residents of the development by compliance with the Council’s adopted designs standard.
The potential to contribute towards a further deterioration in local air quality within the town.