Existing Planning Issues – Jan 2020 – a quick summary.
Stafford Park: Planning permission has been refused.
Cuckoo Hill: The Judicial review on retrospective planning permission has been lost, however an enforcement notice had been issued by Babergh compelling the builder to demolish plots 5 and 6 within six months. This is being appealed.
Earls Colne: 220 new homes are being built/planned off Station Road.
Ferriers Barn: The developers are continuing to push this scheme and a full planning application is expected soon. The CSCA will be objecting to this.
Great Cornard: Proposals for 120 houses near Cornard Wood, which is in the AONB extension area, were being put forward. A local action group has been formed which the committee have agreed to support.
Coggeshall: Plans for 300 new homes have been approved.