Round-up of planning issues June 2020
Stafford Park
The time limit for an appeal has expired.
Cuckoo Hill, Bures
Although the developers failed to comply with the planning conditions, it seems Babergh D.C. are not taking further action.
Earls Colne
Plans for 53 houses at Hay Hill are understood to be likely to be turned down.
Ferriers Barn
Builders are currently on site restoring farm buildings for agricultural purposes. Braintree D.C. have been alerted to the likelihood of a new application but cannot react until this is received.
Great Cornard
Cornard residents are concentrating objections on Davidson Close and Prospect Hill. They have also identified a conflict of interest between the developers and Babergh D.C.
Solar farms at Pentlow/Foxearth
An application for a substantial scheme is anticipated. This is within the Stour Valley Project area.
Wethersfield Airfield
This is designated for a new town with 3,000 houses to be built by Homes England.
It is on the margins of the CSCA area.