Gladman bids for 2 more 200 home developments on the outskirts of Halstead
Huge housing estates are already being built at both ends of Halstead and now Gladman Developments are proposing yet more – 200 homes on land West of the Sudbury road, (opposite the current developments East of Sudbury road going up to the cricket ground) and 200 homes on land South of Halstead, off Bournebridge Hill.
Strong objections have been raised by Halstead Town Council, and huge numbers of residents.
19/00168/OUT – West of Sudbury Road.
Halstead Town Council have raised very strong objections to these application on the following grounds:
• Site is not allocated in the Draft Local Development Plan
• The development is not required to meet the BDC 5 year housing targets as per Braintree DC’s documentation.
• The addition of this development to the already high number of approved applications would present and unacceptable high burden on the Doctors Surgery, schools and traffic congestion within the town.
• Halstead has already been subjected to a disproportionately high level of additional housing growth in the Braintree District (14% of the district growth with only 8% of the district population)
• Access to the site from Sudbury Road is dangerous without mitigating actions
• Development on this site would impact greatly on wild life and on the iconic countryside landscape in this part around the town.
• The site is archaeologically and historically important and is part of a conservation area.
• There is inadequate detail and provision of S106 developer contributions
• The wild life survey is not detailed and not sufficiently well documented.
19/00493/OUT Land South of Halstead, off Bournebridge Hill.
Halstead Town Council have objected on the following grounds:
Not within Halstead boundary but joins existing residential development thereby expanding urbanisation into open countryside.
• The site is not allocated in the Draft Local Plan
• The adverse impact on Halstead infrastructure
• The Braintree DC 5 year Housing Supply Statement dated 11th April shows a forecast supply of 5.29 years compared to the Government target of 5 years. This application is therefore not required to meet the target. • Halstead has a disproportionate amount of new development – 14% of the District housing supply target with only 8% of total population for the District and a further potential 855 homes still going through the planning process.
• Access onto the A131 is poor and possibly dangerous.
• Site is on the line of the proposed Halstead by-pass
• There are concerns about flora and fauna on the site. There are concerns that this development could be extended further into open countryside