From an accounting perspective 2014 was an entirely satisfactory year with income up and expenditure down. The end result was an increase in the Association’s capital balance of 6.4%.
Receipts benefitted from an increase in the number of advertisers in the magazine and a reduction in costs relating to the garden visit. Outgoings were lower reflecting the previous year’s one-off payment of £1,000 to the Stour Valley Action Group fighting the Buntings garden centre development. The Executive Committee however, gave £500 to the Dedham Vale AONB and Stour Valley Partnership, and has committed the Association to a similar amount in each of the next two years, subject to review thereafter.
Membership continues to grow at a modest rate with an additional 30 individuals joining during the year. Allowing for deaths and resignations the total at 685 showed a net increase of 3%. Parish councils and other organisations remained constant at 27.
Michael Goodbody