Annual General Meeting 2008
The Colne Stour Countryside Association. Minutes of the 43rd Annual General Meeting held at Ferriers Barn, Bures on Thursday 17th April 2008.
The Chairman, Simon Ward, welcomed members and guests. The President, Malcolm Jones, then introduced Patrick Phillips who had kindly come to speak on Kentwell Hall. Afterwards, the President thanked Patrick Phillips for his really fascinating talk on the history of the house and its former owners, which had clearly involved considerable research on his part. Members were very grateful for his coming to speak to us on what is one of the foremost houses in our area.
Annual General Meeting 2008
The President, Malcolm Jones, took the Chair.
1. To receive apologies for absence
He reported that we have a list of these on record, but he would only mention that we received apologies from our Patron, George Courtauld, who is abroad at present, but is very sorry not to be able to be with us.
2. To approve the Minutes of the 2007 Annual General Meeting
The Minutes of the 2007 Annual General Meeting, which had been circulated – on page 18 of the newsletter – were approved. Proposed by Sarah Aldous and seconded by Christopher Robinson. The Minutes were then signed by the Chairman, Simon Ward.
3. Matters arising from the Minutes
4. To receive the Chairman’s Report
The Chairman, Simon Ward, congratulated the Editor of the Newsletter, Mark Dawson, as well as the contributors, who have put in some very good articles. We have had many favourable comments on the magazine, which this year had reached a very high standard. Simon Ward stated that his written report was on page 19 of the Newsletter. He suggested that we adopt the report unless there were any questions and these could be raised later. The adoption of the report was duly proposed by Sarah Erith and seconded by Christopher Robinson.
5. To approve the Annual Accounts
The Treasurer, Michael Goodbody, presented the accounts – on page 22 of the Newsletter. He stated that the legacy we received last year had virtually doubled our assets, enabling us to produce a better quality Newsletter, as well as spending money on the Website. There was a question from the floor regarding donation fees. The Treasurer replied that we had doubled these to Suffolk Preservation Society and CPRE Essex. Approval for the Annual Accounts was proposed by Simon Ward, and seconded by Robert Erith.
6. To appoint the Honorary Independent Examiner.
Mr John Sparkes has indicated that he is pleased to continue for the next year and he was duly appointed, having been proposed by Mark Dawson, and seconded by Simon Ward.
7. To elect the Officers and the Committee of the Association.
The Chairman, Simon Ward, reported that we were very fortunate to have Charles Aldous, who had taken over from him as Chairman. He took over from the 1st January this year, but was not yet officially appointed. His appointment was proposed by Christopher Robinson, and seconded by Simon Ward, and he was duly appointed. The re-appointment of Vice Chairman, Christopher Robinson, was proposed by Michael Goodbody, and seconded by Angela Fossick. The re-appointment of the Honorary Treasurer was proposed by Mark Dawson, and seconded by Christopher Robinson. The Chairman reported that we had received two resignations from the Committee during the year – Julia Buckmaster (who had moved from the area) and Michael Crowther. Michael Crowther had been a long serving member of the Committee, and the Chairman and other committee members thanked him, in his absence, for all of the hard work he had put in over the years. The rest of the Committee were re-elected en bloc. Proposed by David Pownall. Seconded by Christopher Robinson.
8. Any other business
It was announced that there would be a plant sale at Ferriers Barn on Saturday 19th April from 10.30 to 12.30. The new Chairman reported that the Summer Party would, this year, be held at Tilbury Hall, Tilbury-Juxta-Clare by kind invitation of Mr and Mrs Geoffrey Foster-Taylor, and that the house and grounds were well worth a visit. He then repeated his thanks to Simon Ward. The Chairman reminded members, who were concerned about the new flight path proposals, to write by 22nd May and to visit the Stop Stansted Expansion website. As regards the application for a second runway, objections had to be in by the 26th June. Members who were concerned should be encouraged to write individually. He went on to say that we are always in need of new members. If we were to increase our membership to 700 we would have more “clout”, and he suggested that everyone should try to recruit amongst friends and neighbours. Finally, he said that although as members of the Committee we try to pick up planning applications, we do rely on members to draw our attention to any contentious planning applications coming up. We are short of representatives in some areas. If anyone would like to put their name forward, please do see Gill Eadie. There being no other business, Christopher Robinson was warmly thanked for arranging for the Association to have the use of Ferriers Barn for their AGM.
The meeting closed at 9.30 pm.