The President, Jeremy Hill, took the chair.
1. To receive apologies for absence.
He reported that there was a list of these on record. He felt that recording apologies for absence was unnecessary and would be omitted from the agenda of future Annual General Meetings.
2. To approve the Minutes of the 2009 Annual General Meeting The Minutes of the 2009 Annual General Meeting were in the Magazine on page 24 and the meeting was asked to approve these. All agreed. The Minutes were then signed by the Chairman, Charles Aldous.
3. Matters arising from the Minutes None
4. To receive the Chairman’s report The Chairman, Charles Aldous, stated that his written report was on page 3 of the Magazine. He said he would not repeat what was in the Magazine, but spoke about the current situation both with regard to Buntings’ threatened development at Great Horkesley and National Grid’s proposals to erect a new line of pylons from Bramford to Twinstead. His report was duly approved by the meeting
5. To approve the Annual Accounts The Treasurer, Michael Goodbody presented the
accounts which were set out on page 27 of the Magazine. He asked the meeting to approve these. This was agreed.
6. To appoint the Honorary Independent Examiner Michael Goodbody explained that the previous Honorary Examiner, John Sparkes had asked to retire and the Committee had agreed to ask Charles Dinwiddy if he would be prepared to take over this role. He had agreed and had signed off the 2009 Accounts. Charles Dinwiddy was thanked for taking over this role and the meeting approved his appointment.
7. To elect the Officers and the Committee of the Association The Chairman, Charles Aldous, proposed that the existing Committee, all of whom had indicated that they were willing to continue, be reappointed en bloc. The meeting agreed. In addition, the Chairman asked that the meeting approve the election of a new Committee member, Georgina Hunter-Gordon. The meeting agreed.
8. Any other business A point was raised, by a Cornard resident regarding housing development in the Cornard area. The Chairman responded that the CSCA was opposed to additional development.
The meeting closed at 9.30p.m