New Constitution
Your Committee has decided that the Constitution needs bringing up to date. It was last looked at by the Association in 1983. As an example of the need for redrafting, by oversight it has been unnoticed that the President and Chairman were only permitted to serve for a limited term. There were also other administrative provisions which needed tidying up to ensure we had a modern Constitution suitable for today. You may rest assured that there have been no material changes to our area of operation or objects. The Committee have approved the redraft, which is printed below and will be seeking its adoption at the 2018 Annual General Meeting. A copy of the existing Constitution will be available at the meeting should anyone be interested in reading it.
Colne-Stour Countryside Association
(Proposed New Constitution to replace that approved at 1983 Annual General Meeting)
1. The name of the Association shall be The Colne-Stour Countryside Association.
Area of Interest
2. The area covered by the association shall be that as shown on the map in Annexe 1 hereto, which shall cover the area encompassed by the villages and towns, listed therein. [ this will be the map in the magazine and listed villages].
Objects of the Association
3. The objects of the Association shall be: –
(a) To monitor rural planning and proposed development in the designated area and generally take any action considered desirable to protect and improve the rural environment (including the landscape, nature conservation, places of historical interest and rural amenities) whilst recognising the demands of agriculture, the need for appropriate new housing and renewable energy.
(b) To encourage those living in the area to take an interest in protecting and improving it as aforesaid.
(c) To liaise with and support other organisations or associations concerned with protecting and improving the rural environment as aforesaid, whether in the designated area or more generally.
(d) Generally, to undertake all such other actions and activities as are considered consistent with the above objects.
Membership of the Association
4. Membership of the Association shall be open to: –
(a) Individuals who support the principles and objects of the Association and who pay the required subscription for life or annual membership.
(b) Parish Councils within the designated area subject to payment of any required affiliation subscription.
(c) Other organisations and bodies with aims or objects in line with that of the Association, subject to payment of any required affiliation subscription.
(d) Any other person or body who or which the Committee may decide to award honorary membership to, in recognition of services to the Association.
Organisation of the Association
5. The Association shall appoint: (a) A President whose role will be honorary except to represent the Association at that part of the Annual General Meeting, when the appointment of the Chairman and other committee members is up for consideration.
(b) A Chairman.
(c) A Committee of up to 12 further members.
Both the Chairman and Committee shall be eligible for re-appointment annually by the Members at the Annual General Meeting. Nominations for the Chairman or Committee may be proposed by the Committee or by any Member provided written notice has been given by such Member to the Secretary at least 21 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. The Association may also appoint one or more honorary Vice Chairmen in recognition of services to the Association.
The Committee
6. (a) Subject to directions, if any, decided by the Members at General Meeting, the affairs of the Association shall be conducted by the Committee.
(b) The Committee shall have all such powers as are considered necessary to conduct the affairs of the Association, including power to appoint a new Chairman until the next Annual General Meeting in the event of any vacancy, co-opt additional members to the Committee, open and operate Bank accounts and deal with the assets of the Association as it sees fit.
(c) The Committee shall appoint from within its number a Treasurer (who may also be the Secretary), who may be a designated signatory on the Association’s bank account with authority to sign cheques and authorise payments as resolved by the Committee. The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping a record of Members, maintaining the accounts, paying expenses and producing the Annual Accounts to submit to the Independent Examiner and thereafter to Members.
(d) The Committee shall have the power to apply to have the Association registered as a charity and make such consequential amendments to the Constitution as may be required by the Charity Commission, provided such amendments do not derogate from the Objects set out above.
(e) The Committee will ordinarily meet at least 3 times each year. A quorum at a Committee meeting shall be not less than four members.
Annual General Meeting
7. (a) The Committee shall call an Annual General Meeting each year not later than 6 months after the end of the financial year. Members must be given at least 3 weeks’ prior notice of the date of the meeting.
(b) The meeting shall: –
(1) Appoint the Chairman and other Committee Members.
(2) Approve the Accounts and appoint an Independent Examiner (or other person permitted to examine and report on the adequacy of the accounts) for the following year.
(3) Receive a Report from the Chairman on the work of the Association during the previous year as well as an update on any matters during the current year.
(4) Fix the level of subscriptions.
(5) Consider any other business.
Voting shall be by show of hands. A Parish Council or other member organisation shall have only one vote. The quorum shall be not less than eight members of the Association.
Special General Meetings
8. A Special General Meeting can be called on at least 21 days’ notice by either the Committee or by not less than 15 members of the Association, who in the latter case may request the Committee to give notice to members of the meeting and the reasons for it, as well as meeting all costs in connection therewith, including the hiring of any venue.
Amendments to Constitution
9. Subject paragraph 6 (d) above, amendments to the Constitution shall be approved at an Annual General Meeting, having been circulated to Members by email and/or published in the Annual Magazine. Dissolution 10. In the event that an Annual General Meeting decides to wind-up the Association then the Committee shall be empowered to distribute any surplus assets to any other bona fide organisation having purposes similar to all or some of the objects of the Association.