The CSCA Website
The web-site started in the Autumn of 2005. During 2006, the first full year, the site was visited by 3,964 people who looked at 36,016 items. Last year, 2007, the site was visited by 4,429 people who looked at 39,425 items. This is encouraging as it shows that more Members, and others, are taking an interest in what we are doing during the year. Whenever I put on a new item of news and send a “round robin” to all those with e-mail addresses it is interesting to note the increase in numbers of visits to the site in the following days. I hope this shows that the membership is interested in what we are doing.
If you have internet access and have not received a “round robin” from me it means that I do not have your e-mail address and I would ask those Members to e-mail me with their details. These details will not be passed to anyone outside the CSCA. Please e-mail me at
Those of you have visited the website will know that the opening “home” page has a slide show of views in the area. I would like to expand this and ask the membership to submit suitable photographs, either via e-mail, or you can send them to me c/o the Secretary.