The main variations between this year’s accounts and 2014 are on the receipts side where the surplus on garden visits was considerably less and on the debit side it was necessary to make a one-off payment to a member to correct bank errors. The Executive Committee continued to support the Dedham Vale AONB and Stour Valley Partnership with a further donation of £500. The net result was a small shortfall on the previous year, leaving the association’s capital largely intact.
Postage costs have been lower because of the generosity of one of our members who handled this for us in 2015 and who has kindly offered to do so again this year. In return we have made a donation to a local charity.
A periodic audit of member payments highlighted a considerable number who had ceased to pay the annual subscription. Those who had not done so for more than two years were delisted. Because of this total membership at the year end was 9 lower at 676. Parish councils and other organisations remained unchanged at 27. It would be a considerable help if Annual members would check that their banks are paying the right amount. If you are not sure please contact me.
Michael Goodbody